TiDB 物理优化



func physicalOptimize(logic LogicalPlan, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (PhysicalPlan, float64, error) {
// 递归的计算并保存每一个逻辑算子的统计信息(basePlan.stats)
	if _, err := logic.recursiveDeriveStats(nil); err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err

// 引入预处理 property 函数的原因是为了减少一些没有必要考虑的 properties,
// 从而尽可能早的裁减掉成物理计划搜索路径上的分支

// 在展开前,先引入 property.PhysicalProperty,这个概念很重要。
// property.PhysicalProperty 是对算子返回值数据的要求,
// 比如希望有些算子是按某些列有序的方式返回数据,那么会设置对应的列信息,
// 希望有些算子的类型是什么(root,cop),那么会设置对应的类型信息,
// 有些算子是没有要求的那么可以传空的 property.PhysicalProperty。
	prop := &property.PhysicalProperty{
		TaskTp:      property.RootTaskType,
		ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64,

	logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.TaskMapBakTS = 0
// findBestTask 将逻辑计划转换为物理计划。
// 从父节点到孩子节点递归调用以创建最终完整的物理计划。
// 一些逻辑计划会将孩子转换为不同的物理计划,并返回一个 cost 最低的物理计划
// 以及在这个函数中发现了多少计划
// planCounter 是 planner 用来强制选择一个执行计划的计数器:选择发现的第 planCounter 个 plan
	t, _, err := logic.findBestTask(prop, planCounter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	if *planCounter > 0 {
		logic.SCtx().GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendWarning(errors.Errorf("The parameter of nth_plan() is out of range."))
	if t.invalid() {
		return nil, 0, ErrInternal.GenWithStackByArgs("Can't find a proper physical plan for this query")

	err = t.plan().ResolveIndices()
	return t.plan(), t.cost(), err
type LogicalPlan interface {
	// recursiveDeriveStats derives statistic info between plans.
	recursiveDeriveStats(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)


func (p *baseLogicalPlan) recursiveDeriveStats(colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error) {
	childStats := make([]*property.StatsInfo, len(p.children))
	childSchema := make([]*expression.Schema, len(p.children))
// ???
	cumColGroups := p.self.ExtractColGroups(colGroups)
	for i, child := range p.children {
		childProfile, err := child.recursiveDeriveStats(cumColGroups)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		childStats[i] = childProfile
		childSchema[i] = child.Schema()
	return p.self.DeriveStats(childStats, p.self.Schema(), childSchema, colGroups)
type LogicalPlan interface {
	// DeriveStats derives statistic info for current plan node given child stats.
	// We need selfSchema, childSchema here because it makes this method can be used in
	// cascades planner, where LogicalPlan might not record its children or schema.
	DeriveStats(childStats []*property.StatsInfo, selfSchema *expression.Schema, childSchema []*expression.Schema, colGroups [][]*expression.Column) (*property.StatsInfo, error)


引入预处理 property 函数的原因是为了减少一些没有必要考虑的 properties,从而尽可能早的裁减掉成物理计划搜索路径上的分支

// preparePossibleProperties traverses the plan tree by a post-order method,
// recursively calls LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func preparePossibleProperties(lp LogicalPlan) [][]*expression.Column {
	childrenProperties := make([][][]*expression.Column, 0, len(lp.Children()))
// 先收集自己的每个孩子可以产生的 props
	for _, child := range lp.Children() {
		childrenProperties = append(childrenProperties, preparePossibleProperties(child))
// lp 自己可以利用的就只有 childrenProperties 这些了,
// lp.PreparePossibleProperties 会保留可以利用 childrenProperties 的物理计划
// 并返回 lp 可以产生的 props
	return lp.PreparePossibleProperties(lp.Schema(), childrenProperties...)

PreparePossibleProperties 仅用于连接和聚合。拿 group by a,b,c 为例子,LogicalAggregration 可以要求 (a,b,c) 有序,或 (b,a,c) 有序,或 (b,c,a) 有序等等,但 DataSource 中的有序索引是有限的,比如只有一个 (a,b,c) 的索引,那么只能 (a,b,c) 有序。那么可以通过 PreparePossibleProperties 来去掉不可能其余不可能的 prop

可以根据 childrenProperties 来进行预减枝的 LogicalPlan ,需要实现 PreparePossibleProperties,未实现的会继承 *baseLogicalPlan.PreparePossibleProperties

type LogicalPlan interface {

	// PreparePossibleProperties is only used for join and aggregation. Like group by a,b,c, all permutation of (a,b,c) is
	// valid, but the ordered indices in leaf plan is limited. So we can get all possible order properties by a pre-walking.
	PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column

// PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (p *baseLogicalPlan) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
	return nil


func (p *LogicalSelection) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
// 直接他孩子能保证谁有序,那他就能保证谁有序,selection 只有一个孩子
	return childrenProperties[0]
// PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (ds *DataSource) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
	result := make([][]*expression.Column, 0, len(ds.possibleAccessPaths))

// 遍历所有可以的读表方式
	for _, path := range ds.possibleAccessPaths {
// 如果这个 path 是走单 int 主键索引的,那么可以保证主键有序
		if path.IsIntHandlePath {
			col := ds.getPKIsHandleCol()
			if col != nil {
				result = append(result, []*expression.Column{col})

		if len(path.IdxCols) == 0 {
// 如果这个 path 的 len(path.IdxCols) != 0, 说明走的是
// 单列非 int 主键索引,或多列主键索引,或二级索引
// 例如有 path.IdxCols = [a, b, c] 三个列,那么首先可以保证(a, b, c)有序
		result = append(result, make([]*expression.Column, len(path.IdxCols)))
		copy(result[len(result)-1], path.IdxCols)
// ??? See https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/pull/10548
		for i := 0; i < path.EqCondCount && i+1 < len(path.IdxCols); i++ {
			result = append(result, make([]*expression.Column, len(path.IdxCols)-i-1))
			copy(result[len(result)-1], path.IdxCols[i+1:])
	return result
// PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (la *LogicalAggregation) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
// LogicalAggregation 应该就只有一个 child
	childProps := childrenProperties[0]
	// If there's no group-by item, the stream aggregation could have no order property. So we can add an empty property
	// when its group-by item is empty.
	if len(la.GroupByItems) == 0 {
		la.possibleProperties = [][]*expression.Column{nil}
		return nil
	resultProperties := make([][]*expression.Column, 0, len(childProps))
	clonedProperties := make([][]*expression.Column, 0, len(childProps))
	// GetGroupByCols returns the columns that are group-by items.
	// For example, `group by a, b, c+d` will return [a, b].
	groupByCols := la.GetGroupByCols()
	for _, possibleChildProperty := range childProps {
		sortColOffsets := getMaxSortPrefix(possibleChildProperty, groupByCols)
// 如果 possibleChildProperty 的前 len(groupByCols) 列恰好是包括了
// 所有的 groupByCols 列,那么就可以利用 possibleChildProperty 
// 的前 len(groupByCols) 列有序这一 prop 来做 stream agg
		if len(sortColOffsets) == len(groupByCols) {
			prop := possibleChildProperty[:len(groupByCols)]
			resultProperties = append(resultProperties, prop)
// 要 clone 一下,see https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/pull/24204
			// Clone the Columns in the property before saving them, otherwise the upper Projection may
			// modify them and lead to unexpected results.
			clonedProp := make([]*expression.Column, len(prop))
			for i, col := range prop {
				clonedProp[i] = col.Clone().(*expression.Column)
			clonedProperties = append(clonedProperties, clonedProp)
// 可以利用的 props 保存在 la.possibleProperties
	la.possibleProperties = clonedProperties
	return resultProperties
// PreparePossibleProperties implements LogicalPlan PreparePossibleProperties interface.
func (p *LogicalJoin) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
	leftProperties := childrenProperties[0]
	rightProperties := childrenProperties[1]
	// TODO: We should consider properties propagation.
// 要 clone 一下,see https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/pull/24204
	// Clone the Columns in the property before saving them, otherwise the upper Projection may
	// modify them and lead to unexpected results.
// p.leftProperties 就是左表可以产生的有序的 prop,保存在这里,在 GetMergeJoin 中使用
	p.leftProperties = clonePossibleProperties(leftProperties)
// p.rightProperties 就是右表可以产生的有序的 prop,保存在这里,在 GetMergeJoin 中使用
	p.rightProperties = clonePossibleProperties(rightProperties)
// 如果是左连接,那么就可以忽略掉右表的顺序,因为连接之后右表可能有 null
	if p.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin || p.JoinType == LeftOuterSemiJoin {
		rightProperties = nil
// 如果是右连接,那么就可以忽略掉左表的顺序,因为连接之后左表可能有 null
	} else if p.JoinType == RightOuterJoin {
		leftProperties = nil
// LogicalJoin 可以产生的顺序 props 即是左表可以产生的顺序 + 右表可以产生的顺序
// 即 join 后的结果可以按照左表可以产生的顺序中的某一个顺序有序,
// 或按照右表可以产生的顺序中的某一个顺序有序
	resultProperties := make([][]*expression.Column, len(leftProperties)+len(rightProperties))
	for i, cols := range leftProperties {
		resultProperties[i] = make([]*expression.Column, len(cols))
		copy(resultProperties[i], cols)
	leftLen := len(leftProperties)
	for i, cols := range rightProperties {
		resultProperties[leftLen+i] = make([]*expression.Column, len(cols))
		copy(resultProperties[leftLen+i], cols)
	return resultProperties
func (p *LogicalProjection) PreparePossibleProperties(schema *expression.Schema, childrenProperties ...[][]*expression.Column) [][]*expression.Column {
	childProperties := childrenProperties[0]
// 取单纯映射(不涉及运算)前的 col 作为 oldCols,单纯映射(不涉及运算)后的 col 作为 newCols
	oldCols := make([]*expression.Column, 0, p.schema.Len())
	newCols := make([]*expression.Column, 0, p.schema.Len())
	for i, expr := range p.Exprs {
		if col, ok := expr.(*expression.Column); ok {
// 如果 col 是一个 expr.(*expression.Column),那么说明 col 就是一个纯映射,而不是运算
			newCols = append(newCols, p.schema.Columns[i])
			oldCols = append(oldCols, col)
	tmpSchema := expression.NewSchema(oldCols...)
	newProperties := make([][]*expression.Column, 0, len(childProperties))
	for _, childProperty := range childProperties {
		newChildProperty := make([]*expression.Column, 0, len(childProperty))
		for _, col := range childProperty {
			pos := tmpSchema.ColumnIndex(col)
// col (a, b, c) 在 LogicalProjection 是一个纯映射,那么可以保证映射后的 col 也有序
			if pos >= 0 {
				newChildProperty = append(newChildProperty, newCols[pos])
			} else {
// col (d) 在 LogicalProjection 不是一个纯映射,那么不能保证映射后的 col 也有序
// 而且只能保证前面 cols (a, b, c) 有序了
		if len(newChildProperty) != 0 {
			newProperties = append(newProperties, newChildProperty)
// ??? 为啥不像 LogicalJoin 或 LogicalAggregation 一样把 newProperties 在本节点存一下呢?
	return newProperties
type LogicalPlan interface {
	// findBestTask converts the logical plan to the physical plan. It's a new interface.
	// It is called recursively from the parent to the children to create the result physical plan.
	// Some logical plans will convert the children to the physical plans in different ways, and return the one
	// With the lowest cost and how many plans are found in this function.
	// planCounter is a counter for planner to force a plan.
	// If planCounter > 0, the clock_th plan generated in this function will be returned.
	// If planCounter = 0, the plan generated in this function will not be considered.
	// If planCounter = -1, then we will not force plan.
	findBestTask(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (task, int64, error)


// PhysicalProperty stands for the required physical property by parents.
// It contains the orders and the task types.
type PhysicalProperty struct {
	// SortItems contains the required sort attributes.
	SortItems []SortItem

	// TaskTp means the type of task that an operator requires.
	// It needs to be specified because two different tasks can't be compared
	// with cost directly. e.g. If a copTask takes less cost than a rootTask,
	// we can't sure that we must choose the former one. Because the copTask
	// must be finished and increase its cost in sometime, but we can't make
	// sure the finishing time. So the best way to let the comparison fair is
	// to add TaskType to required property.
	TaskTp TaskType

	// ExpectedCnt means this operator may be closed after fetching ExpectedCnt
	// records.
	ExpectedCnt float64

	// hashcode stores the hash code of a PhysicalProperty, will be lazily
	// calculated when function "HashCode()" being called.
	hashcode []byte


// SortItem wraps the column and its order.
type SortItem struct {
	Col  *expression.Column
	Desc bool

const (
	// RootTaskType stands for the tasks that executed in the TiDB layer.
	RootTaskType TaskType = iota

	// CopSingleReadTaskType stands for the a TableScan or IndexScan tasks
	// executed in the coprocessor layer.

	// CopDoubleReadTaskType stands for the a IndexLookup tasks executed in the
	// coprocessor layer.

// findBestTask implements LogicalPlan interface.
func (p *baseLogicalPlan) findBestTask(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (bestTask task, cntPlan int64, err error) {
	// If p is an inner plan in an IndexJoin, the IndexJoin will generate an inner plan by itself,
	// and set inner child prop nil, so here we do nothing.
	if prop == nil {
		return nil, 1, nil
	// Look up the task with this prop in the task map.
	// It's used to reduce double counting.
// 使用记忆化搜索,每当一个算子收到一个 prop ,来 findBestTask 
// 会计算 prop 的 hash 值和根据 prop 找到的 bestTask 并存储到 
// baseLogicalPlan.taskMap map[string]task
// 如果这个算子再收到同样的 prop,则可以直接返回上次找到的 bestTask
	bestTask = p.getTask(prop)
	if bestTask != nil {
		return bestTask, 1, nil

// 能否在 p.self 上面加一个 LogicalSort 来强制满足 prop
	canAddEnforcer := prop.CanAddEnforcer
// ???
	if prop.TaskTp != property.RootTaskType && !prop.IsFlashProp() {
		// Currently all plan cannot totally push down to TiKV.
		p.storeTask(prop, invalidTask)
		return invalidTask, 0, nil

	bestTask = invalidTask
	cntPlan = 0
	// prop should be read only because its cached hashcode might be not consistent
	// when it is changed. So we clone a new one for the temporary changes.
	newProp := prop.CloneEssentialFields()
// plansFitsProp 代表不额外加 LogicalSort,且可以满足 prop 的 PhysicalPlans
// plansNeedEnforce 代表额外加 LogicalSort,且可以满足 prop 的 PhysicalPlans
	var plansFitsProp, plansNeedEnforce []PhysicalPlan
	var hintWorksWithProp bool
	// Maybe the plan can satisfy the required property,
	// so we try to get the task without the enforced sort first.
// 找到 p.self 这个逻辑算子,对应可以满足 newProp 的所有物理算子
	plansFitsProp, hintWorksWithProp, err = p.self.exhaustPhysicalPlans(newProp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
// 如果 sql 里有 hint,
// 但是对于 plansFitsProp 中的所有 PhysicalPlans, hint 都不能 work(newProp 无法让 hint work)
// newProp 必须是非空的(存在要求按顺序的列)才有必要额外加 LogicalSort
	if !hintWorksWithProp && !newProp.IsEmpty() {
		// If there is a hint in the plan and the hint cannot satisfy the property,
		// we enforce this property and try to generate the PhysicalPlan again to
		// make sure the hint can work.
		canAddEnforcer = true

	if canAddEnforcer {
		// Then, we use the empty property to get physicalPlans and
		// try to get the task with an enforced sort.
// 搞一个空的 newProp 来 p.self.exhaustPhysicalPlans
// 因为要额外加一个 LogicalSort,所以原 prop 由 LogicalSort 来满足
		newProp.SortItems = []property.SortItem{}
		newProp.ExpectedCnt = math.MaxFloat64
		newProp.MPPPartitionCols = nil
		newProp.MPPPartitionTp = property.AnyType
		var hintCanWork bool
// 找到 p.self 这个逻辑算子,对应可以符合 newProp 的所有物理算子
		plansNeedEnforce, hintCanWork, err = p.self.exhaustPhysicalPlans(newProp)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, err

		if hintCanWork && !hintWorksWithProp {
			// If the hint can work with the empty property, but cannot work with
			// the required property, we give up `plansFitProp` to make sure the hint
			// can work.
			plansFitsProp = nil

		if !hintCanWork && !hintWorksWithProp && !prop.CanAddEnforcer {
			// If the original property is not enforced and hint cannot
			// work anyway, we give up `plansNeedEnforce` for efficiency,
			plansNeedEnforce = nil
		newProp = prop

	var cnt int64
	var curTask task
	if bestTask, cnt, err = p.enumeratePhysicalPlans4Task(plansFitsProp, newProp, false, planCounter); err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	cntPlan += cnt
	if planCounter.Empty() {
		goto END

	curTask, cnt, err = p.enumeratePhysicalPlans4Task(plansNeedEnforce, newProp, true, planCounter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err
	cntPlan += cnt
	if planCounter.Empty() {
		bestTask = curTask
		goto END
	if curTask.cost() < bestTask.cost() || (bestTask.invalid() && !curTask.invalid()) {
		bestTask = curTask

// 使用记忆化搜索,每当一个算子收到一个 prop ,来 findBestTask 
// 会计算 prop 的 hash 值和根据 prop 找到的 bestTask 并存储到 
// baseLogicalPlan.taskMap map[string]task
// 如果这个算子再收到同样的 prop,则可以直接返回上次找到的 bestTask
	p.storeTask(prop, bestTask)
	return bestTask, cntPlan, nil

找到 LogicalPlan 这个逻辑算子,对应可以符合 *property.PhysicalProperty 的所有物理算子

type LogicalPlan interface {
	// exhaustPhysicalPlans generates all possible plans that can match the required property.
	// It will return:
	// 1. All possible plans that can match the required property.
	// 2. Whether the SQL hint can work. Return true if there is no hint.
	exhaustPhysicalPlans(*property.PhysicalProperty) (physicalPlans []PhysicalPlan, hintCanWork bool, err error)


func (p *LogicalProjection) exhaustPhysicalPlans(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) ([]PhysicalPlan, bool, error) {

// TryToGetChildProp will check if this sort property can be pushed or not.
// When a sort column will be replaced by scalar function, we refuse it.
// When a sort column will be replaced by a constant, we just remove it.
// 将 prop 中的 cols 对应为映射前的 cols
// 如果 prop 中的存在某个 col 对应映射前的 col 是一个 *expression.ScalarFunction 而不是 ×expression.Coloumn
// 那么说明 LogicalProjection 无法接受这个 prop
// 因为无法保证映射前的 *expression.ScalarFunction 是有序的
	newProp, ok := p.TryToGetChildProp(prop)
	if !ok {
		return nil, true, nil
	newProps := []*property.PhysicalProperty{newProp}
	// generate a mpp task candidate if enforced mpp
	ret := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(newProps))
	for _, newProp := range newProps {
		proj := PhysicalProjection{
			Exprs:                p.Exprs,
			CalculateNoDelay:     p.CalculateNoDelay,
			AvoidColumnEvaluator: p.AvoidColumnEvaluator,
		}.Init(p.ctx, p.stats.ScaleByExpectCnt(prop.ExpectedCnt), p.blockOffset, newProp)
		ret = append(ret, proj)
	return ret, true, nil

// Init initializes PhysicalProjection.
func (p PhysicalProjection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalProjection {
	p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, plancodec.TypeProj, &p, offset)
// PhysicalProjection 的 child 所需要接受的 prop,就是 LogicalProjection 自己收到的 prop
// 经过上面 TryToGetChildProp 转换为 p.Exprs 中对应的的映射前的 newProp
	p.childrenReqProps = props
	p.stats = stats
	return &p
func (p *LogicalSelection) exhaustPhysicalPlans(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) ([]PhysicalPlan, bool, error) {
	childProp := prop.CloneEssentialFields()
	sel := PhysicalSelection{
		Conditions: p.Conditions,
	}.Init(p.ctx, p.stats.ScaleByExpectCnt(prop.ExpectedCnt), p.blockOffset, childProp)
	return []PhysicalPlan{sel}, true, nil

func (p PhysicalSelection) Init(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalSelection {
	p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, plancodec.TypeSel, &p, offset)
// PhysicalSelection 的 child 所需要接受的 prop,就是 LogicalSelection 自己收到的 prop
	p.childrenReqProps = props
	p.stats = stats
	return &p
func (la *LogicalAggregation) exhaustPhysicalPlans(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) ([]PhysicalPlan, bool, error) {
// sql hint 将 agg 下推到 coprocessor
// https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/dev/optimizer-hints#agg_to_cop
	if la.aggHints.preferAggToCop {
// 无法将 agg 下推到 coprocessor,报个 warning
// 并将 la.aggHints.preferAggToCop 设为 false
		if !la.canPushToCop(kv.TiKV) {
			errMsg := "Optimizer Hint AGG_TO_COP is inapplicable"
			warning := ErrInternal.GenWithStack(errMsg)
			la.aggHints.preferAggToCop = false

// 检查 la.aggHints.preferAggType 来识别 sql hint 所要求的 agg type
// preferHash 为 true 或 preferStream 为 true
// 如果 sql hint 既要求 hash join,又要求 stream agg,说明有 conflict,或者不存在 sql hint 时
// preferHash, preferStream 都为 false
	preferHash, preferStream := la.ResetHintIfConflicted()

	hashAggs := la.getHashAggs(prop)
	if hashAggs != nil && preferHash {
		return hashAggs, true, nil

	streamAggs := la.getStreamAggs(prop)
	if streamAggs != nil && preferStream {
		return streamAggs, true, nil

// sql hint 没有 prefer 的 agg type,或者 prefer 的 agg type 没法 work
	aggs := append(hashAggs, streamAggs...)

	if streamAggs == nil && preferStream && !prop.IsEmpty() {
		errMsg := "Optimizer Hint STREAM_AGG is inapplicable"
		warning := ErrInternal.GenWithStack(errMsg)

	return aggs, !(preferStream || preferHash), nil

// canPushToCop check if we might push this plan to a specific store.
func (la *LogicalAggregation) canPushToCop(storeTp kv.StoreType) bool {
// canPushToCop checks if it can be pushed to some stores. For TiKV, it only checks datasource.
// For TiFlash, it will check whether the operator is supported, but note that the check might be inaccrute.

// LogicalAggregation.noCopPushDown indicates if planner must not push this agg down to coprocessor.
// It is true when the agg is in the outer child tree of apply.
	return la.baseLogicalPlan.canPushToCop(storeTp) && !la.noCopPushDown
func (la *LogicalAggregation) getHashAggs(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) []PhysicalPlan {
// hash agg 不能满足某列有序
	if !prop.IsEmpty() {
		return nil
	if prop.TaskTp == property.MppTaskType && !la.checkCanPushDownToMPP() {
		return nil
	// GetAllPossibleChildTaskTypes enumrates the possible types of tasks for children.
	// CopSingleReadTaskType, CopDoubleReadTaskType, RootTaskType
	hashAggs := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(prop.GetAllPossibleChildTaskTypes()))

// taskTypes 可以是 property.CopSingleReadTaskType 或 property.CopDoubleReadTaskType
	taskTypes := []property.TaskType{property.CopSingleReadTaskType, property.CopDoubleReadTaskType}
// ??? MPP, broadcast join 相关
	if la.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowBCJ {
		taskTypes = append(taskTypes, property.CopTiFlashLocalReadTaskType)
	canPushDownToTiFlash := la.canPushToCop(kv.TiFlash)
	canPushDownToMPP := canPushDownToTiFlash && la.ctx.GetSessionVars().IsMPPAllowed() && la.checkCanPushDownToMPP()
	if la.HasDistinct() {
		// TODO: remove after the cost estimation of distinct pushdown is implemented.
		if !la.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowDistinctAggPushDown {
			if la.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.InExplainStmt {
				la.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx.AppendWarning(errors.New("Aggregation can not be pushed to storage layer in non-mpp mode because it contains agg function with distinct"))
// 如果 LogicalAggregation has functions with distinct 
// 且 !la.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowDistinctAggPushDown
// 那么 taskTypes 只能是 property.RootTaskType
			taskTypes = []property.TaskType{property.RootTaskType}
	} else if !la.aggHints.preferAggToCop {
// 如果 sql hints not prefer agg to cop
// 那么 taskTypes 可以是 
// property.CopSingleReadTaskType 或 property.CopDoubleReadTaskType 或 property.RootTaskType
		taskTypes = append(taskTypes, property.RootTaskType)
	if !la.canPushToCop(kv.TiKV) {
// 如果 agg 无法推到 cop
// 那么 taskTypes 只能是 property.RootTaskType
		taskTypes = []property.TaskType{property.RootTaskType}
		if canPushDownToTiFlash {
			taskTypes = append(taskTypes, property.CopTiFlashLocalReadTaskType)
	if canPushDownToMPP {
		taskTypes = append(taskTypes, property.MppTaskType)
	if prop.IsFlashProp() {
		taskTypes = []property.TaskType{prop.TaskTp}

// 遍历所有可能的 taskTypes,为每一种 taskType 生成一个 PhysicalHashAgg
	for _, taskTp := range taskTypes {
		if taskTp == property.MppTaskType {
			mppAggs := la.tryToGetMppHashAggs(prop)
			if len(mppAggs) > 0 {
				hashAggs = append(hashAggs, mppAggs...)
		} else {
			agg := NewPhysicalHashAgg(la, 
// PhysicalHashAgg 的 PhysicalProperty 中的 TaskTp 为 taskTp
// 中的 SortItems 为 nil
			&property.PhysicalProperty{ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64, TaskTp: taskTp})
			hashAggs = append(hashAggs, agg)
	return hashAggs

// NewPhysicalHashAgg creates a new PhysicalHashAgg from a LogicalAggregation.
func NewPhysicalHashAgg(la *LogicalAggregation, newStats *property.StatsInfo, prop *property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashAgg {
	agg := basePhysicalAgg{
		GroupByItems: la.GroupByItems,
		AggFuncs:     la.AggFuncs,
	}.initForHash(la.ctx, newStats, la.blockOffset, prop)
	return agg

func (base basePhysicalAgg) initForHash(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashAgg {
	p := &PhysicalHashAgg{base}
	p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, plancodec.TypeHashAgg, p, offset)
	p.childrenReqProps = props
	p.stats = stats
	return p
func (la *LogicalAggregation) getStreamAggs(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) []PhysicalPlan {
	// TODO: support CopTiFlash task type in stream agg
	if prop.IsFlashProp() {
		return nil
	// AllSameOrder checks if all the prop.SortItems have same order (desc or asc).
	all, desc := prop.AllSameOrder()
	// 如果不全是升序或全是降序,stream agg 是无法满足 prop 的
	if !all {
		return nil

// ???
	for _, aggFunc := range la.AggFuncs {
		if aggFunc.Mode == aggregation.FinalMode {
			return nil
	// GetGroupByCols returns the columns that are group-by items.
	// For example, `group by a, b, c+d` will return [a, b].
	groupByCols := la.GetGroupByCols()
	if len(groupByCols) != len(la.GroupByItems) {
// 如果存在不是纯列 group by 的情况,那么不能使用 stream agg
		return nil

	// GetAllPossibleChildTaskTypes enumrates the possible types of tasks for children.
	// CopSingleReadTaskType, CopDoubleReadTaskType, RootTaskType
	allTaskTypes := prop.GetAllPossibleChildTaskTypes()
	streamAggs := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(la.possibleProperties)*(len(allTaskTypes)-1)+len(allTaskTypes))
// ???
	childProp := &property.PhysicalProperty{
		ExpectedCnt: math.Max(prop.ExpectedCnt*la.inputCount/la.stats.RowCount, prop.ExpectedCnt),

// la.possibleProperties 是在之前在 preparePossibleProperties 中保存的
// LogicalAggregation 可以保证有序的且包含了 groupByCols 中所有列的,列的有顺序的组合
// 遍历每一种 possibleChildProperty
	for _, possibleChildProperty := range la.possibleProperties {
// 取 possibleChildProperty[:len(groupByCols)] 作为 childProp.SortItems
// physical stream agg 就会按照 childProp.SortItems 的列的顺序做 stream agg
// 也就是可以保证 childProp.SortItems 的列有序
		childProp.SortItems = property.SortItemsFromCols(possibleChildProperty[:len(groupByCols)], desc)
		// IsPrefix checks whether the order property is the prefix of another.
		if !prop.IsPrefix(childProp) {
// prop 是 LogicalAggregation 的父算子要求 LogicalAggregation 应该满足的 prop
// 如果 prop.SortItems 不是 childProp.SortItems 的前缀,那么说明无法满足 prop
// ???
		// The table read of "CopDoubleReadTaskType" can't promises the sort
		// property that the stream aggregation required, no need to consider.
		taskTypes := []property.TaskType{property.CopSingleReadTaskType}

		if la.HasDistinct() {
			// TODO: remove AllowDistinctAggPushDown after the cost estimation of distinct pushdown is implemented.
			// If AllowDistinctAggPushDown is set to true, we should not consider RootTask.
			if !la.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowDistinctAggPushDown {
// 如果 LogicalAggregation has functions with distinct 
// 且 !la.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowDistinctAggPushDown
// 那么 taskTypes 只能是 property.RootTaskType
				taskTypes = []property.TaskType{property.RootTaskType}
// ???
			} else if !la.distinctArgsMeetsProperty() {
		} else if !la.aggHints.preferAggToCop {
// 如果 sql hints not prefer agg to cop
// 那么 taskTypes 可以是 
// property.CopSingleReadTaskType 或 property.RootTaskType
			taskTypes = append(taskTypes, property.RootTaskType)
		if !la.canPushToCop(kv.TiKV) {
// 如果 agg 无法推到 cop
// 那么 taskTypes 只能是 property.RootTaskType
			taskTypes = []property.TaskType{property.RootTaskType}
		for _, taskTp := range taskTypes {
			copiedChildProperty := new(property.PhysicalProperty)
			*copiedChildProperty = *childProp // It's ok to not deep copy the "cols" field.
			copiedChildProperty.TaskTp = taskTp

			agg := basePhysicalAgg{
				GroupByItems: la.GroupByItems,
				AggFuncs:     la.AggFuncs,
			}.initForStream(la.ctx, la.stats.ScaleByExpectCnt(prop.ExpectedCnt), la.blockOffset, copiedChildProperty)
			streamAggs = append(streamAggs, agg)
	// If STREAM_AGG hint is existed, it should consider enforce stream aggregation,
	// because we can't trust possibleChildProperty completely.
	if (la.aggHints.preferAggType & preferStreamAgg) > 0 {
// ???
		streamAggs = append(streamAggs, la.getEnforcedStreamAggs(prop)...)
	return streamAggs

func (base basePhysicalAgg) initForStream(ctx sessionctx.Context, stats *property.StatsInfo, offset int, props ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalStreamAgg {
	p := &PhysicalStreamAgg{base}
	p.basePhysicalPlan = newBasePhysicalPlan(ctx, plancodec.TypeStreamAgg, p, offset)
	p.childrenReqProps = props
	p.stats = stats
	return p
// LogicalJoin can generates hash join, index join and sort merge join.
// Firstly we check the hint, if hint is figured by user, we force to choose the corresponding physical plan.
// If the hint is not matched, it will get other candidates.
// If the hint is not figured, we will pick all candidates.
func (p *LogicalJoin) exhaustPhysicalPlans(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) ([]PhysicalPlan, bool, error) {

	failpoint.Inject("MockOnlyEnableIndexHashJoin", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if val.(bool) {
			indexJoins, _ := p.tryToGetIndexJoin(prop)
			failpoint.Return(indexJoins, true, nil)

// ??? MPP, broadcast join 相关
	if prop.MPPPartitionTp == property.BroadcastType {
		return nil, false, nil
	joins := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, 8)
	canPushToTiFlash := p.canPushToCop(kv.TiFlash)
	if p.ctx.GetSessionVars().IsMPPAllowed() && canPushToTiFlash {
	} else if p.ctx.GetSessionVars().AllowBCJ && canPushToTiFlash {
	if prop.IsFlashProp() {
		return joins, true, nil

// merge join
	mergeJoins := p.GetMergeJoin(prop, p.schema, p.Stats(), p.children[0].statsInfo(), p.children[1].statsInfo())
	if (p.preferJoinType&preferMergeJoin) > 0 && len(mergeJoins) > 0 {
		return mergeJoins, true, nil
	joins = append(joins, mergeJoins...)

// index join
	indexJoins, forced := p.tryToGetIndexJoin(prop)
	if forced {
		return indexJoins, true, nil
	joins = append(joins, indexJoins...)

// hash join
	hashJoins := p.getHashJoins(prop)
	if (p.preferJoinType&preferHashJoin) > 0 && len(hashJoins) > 0 {
		return hashJoins, true, nil
	joins = append(joins, hashJoins...)

	if p.preferJoinType > 0 {
		// If we reach here, it means we have a hint that doesn't work.
		// It might be affected by the required property, so we enforce
		// this property and try the hint again.
		return joins, false, nil
	return joins, true, nil
// GetMergeJoin convert the logical join to physical merge join based on the physical property.
func (p *LogicalJoin) GetMergeJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, schema *expression.Schema, statsInfo *property.StatsInfo, leftStatsInfo *property.StatsInfo, rightStatsInfo *property.StatsInfo) []PhysicalPlan {
	joins := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(p.leftProperties)+1)
	// GetJoinKeys extracts join keys(columns) from EqualConditions. It returns left join keys, right
	// join keys and an `isNullEQ` array which means the `joinKey[i]` is a `NullEQ` function. The `hasNullEQ`
	// means whether there is a `NullEQ` of a join key.
// ??? NullEQ
	leftJoinKeys, rightJoinKeys, isNullEQ, hasNullEQ := p.GetJoinKeys()

	// EnumType/SetType Unsupported: merge join conflicts with index order.
	// ref: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/24473, https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/25669
	// TODO: support null equal join keys for merge join
	if hasNullEQ {
		return nil
	// The leftProperties caches all the possible properties that are provided by its children.
	for _, lhsChildProperty := range p.leftProperties {
// 假设 lhsChildProperty 中第 n + 1 个 col 在 leftJoinKeys没有出现
// 返回 lhsChildProperty 中前 n 个 cols 在 leftJoinKeys 中的 offset
		offsets := getMaxSortPrefix(lhsChildProperty, leftJoinKeys)
		// If not all equal conditions hit properties. We ban merge join heuristically. Because in this case, merge join
		// may get a very low performance. In executor, executes join results before other conditions filter it.
		if len(offsets) < len(leftJoinKeys) {
// 前提:lhsChildProperty 中没有重复元素
// 如果 lhsChildProperty 的前 len(leftJoinKeys) 个元素没有都在 leftJoinKeys 中出现
// 说明该 lhsChildProperty 不能保证 leftJoinKeys 有序

// 走到这里说明 lhsChildProperty 可以保证 
// leftJoinKeys 中的 cols 按照 lhsChildProperty[:len(offsets)] 排列,有序
		leftKeys := lhsChildProperty[:len(offsets)]
// 将 rightJoinKeys 按照 leftKeys 排列,使得 leftKeys 和 rightKeys 中的元素一一对应
		rightKeys := expression.NewSchema(rightJoinKeys...).ColumnsByIndices(offsets)
		newIsNullEQ := make([]bool, 0, len(offsets))
		for _, offset := range offsets {
			newIsNullEQ = append(newIsNullEQ, isNullEQ[offset])

// 遍历 p.rightProperties 中的每个 prop,每个 prop 对 rightKeys 取公共前缀
// 返回最长的公共前缀长度
// ??? prefixLen 小于 len(rightJoinKeys) 咋办,这样不就不能保证 rightJoinKeys 有序了?
		prefixLen := findMaxPrefixLen(p.rightProperties, rightKeys)
		if prefixLen == 0 {

		leftKeys = leftKeys[:prefixLen]
		rightKeys = rightKeys[:prefixLen]
		newIsNullEQ = newIsNullEQ[:prefixLen]
// ???
		if !p.checkJoinKeyCollation(leftKeys, rightKeys) {
		offsets = offsets[:prefixLen]
		baseJoin := basePhysicalJoin{
			JoinType:        p.JoinType,
			LeftConditions:  p.LeftConditions,
			RightConditions: p.RightConditions,
			DefaultValues:   p.DefaultValues,
			LeftJoinKeys:    leftKeys,
			RightJoinKeys:   rightKeys,
			IsNullEQ:        newIsNullEQ,
		mergeJoin := PhysicalMergeJoin{basePhysicalJoin: baseJoin}.Init(p.ctx, statsInfo.ScaleByExpectCnt(prop.ExpectedCnt), p.blockOffset)
// 因为 prefixLen 可能小于 len(rightJoinKeys) 嘛,
// 所以把 p.EqualConditions 中没有在 leftKeys,rightKeys 中出现的 exprs
// 和 p.OtherConditions 一起存放在 mergeJoin.OtherConditions
		mergeJoin.OtherConditions = p.moveEqualToOtherConditions(offsets)
// ???
// 只有当 prop 是 mergeJoin.LeftJoinKeys 或 mergeJoin.RightJoinKeys 的前缀的时候
// 父算子所要求的 prop 才被可以满足,
// 因为 mergeJoin 会满足 mergeJoin.LeftJoinKeys 或 mergeJoin.RightJoinKeys 有序
		// Only if the input required prop is the prefix of join keys, we can pass through this property.
		if reqProps, ok := mergeJoin.tryToGetChildReqProp(prop); ok {
			// Adjust expected count for children nodes.
// ???
			if prop.ExpectedCnt < statsInfo.RowCount {
				expCntScale := prop.ExpectedCnt / statsInfo.RowCount
				reqProps[0].ExpectedCnt = leftStatsInfo.RowCount * expCntScale
				reqProps[1].ExpectedCnt = rightStatsInfo.RowCount * expCntScale
// 设置要求 mergejoin 的两个孩子满足的 props
// 即为 mergeJoin.LeftJoinKeys 和 mergeJoin.RightJoinKeys
			mergeJoin.childrenReqProps = reqProps
			_, desc := prop.AllSameOrder()
			mergeJoin.Desc = desc
			joins = append(joins, mergeJoin)
// ???
	// If TiDB_SMJ hint is existed, it should consider enforce merge join,
	// because we can't trust lhsChildProperty completely.
	if (p.preferJoinType & preferMergeJoin) > 0 {
		joins = append(joins, p.getEnforcedMergeJoin(prop, schema, statsInfo)...)

	return joins

// Only if the input required prop is the prefix fo join keys, we can pass through this property.
func (p *PhysicalMergeJoin) tryToGetChildReqProp(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) ([]*property.PhysicalProperty, bool) {
	all, desc := prop.AllSameOrder()
	lProp := property.NewPhysicalProperty(property.RootTaskType, p.LeftJoinKeys, desc, math.MaxFloat64, false)
	rProp := property.NewPhysicalProperty(property.RootTaskType, p.RightJoinKeys, desc, math.MaxFloat64, false)
	if !prop.IsEmpty() {
		// sort merge join fits the cases of massive ordered data, so desc scan is always expensive.
		if !all {
			return nil, false
		if !prop.IsPrefix(lProp) && !prop.IsPrefix(rProp) {
// prop 即不是 lprop 的前缀,也不是 rprop 的前缀,无法满足 prop
			return nil, false
		if prop.IsPrefix(rProp) && p.JoinType == LeftOuterJoin {
// 左连接,左表是外表,merge join 会保证左表 join keys 有序,
// 若 prop 不是 lprop 的前缀,那么无法满足 prop
			return nil, false
		if prop.IsPrefix(lProp) && p.JoinType == RightOuterJoin {
// 右连接,右表是外表,merge join 会保证右表 join keys 有序,
// 若 prop 不是 rprop 的前缀,那么无法满足 prop
			return nil, false
// ??? 半连接咋办

	return []*property.PhysicalProperty{lProp, rProp}, true
func (p *LogicalJoin) getHashJoins(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) []PhysicalPlan {
// hash join 不能满足某列有序
	if !prop.IsEmpty() { // hash join doesn't promise any orders
		return nil
	joins := make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, 2)
	switch p.JoinType {
	case SemiJoin, AntiSemiJoin, LeftOuterSemiJoin, AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin:
// 半连接,右表是内表,左表是外表,
// 只允许 build 内表,probe 外表
		joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, false))
	case LeftOuterJoin:
// 左连接,右表是内表,左表是外表,
// 允许 build 内表,probe 外表
// 如果外表比较小,允许 build 外表,probe 内表
		if ForceUseOuterBuild4Test {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, true))
		} else {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, false))
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, true))
	case RightOuterJoin:
// 右连接,左表是内表,右表是外表,
// 允许 build 内表,probe 外表
// 如果外表比较小,允许 build 外表,probe 内表
		if ForceUseOuterBuild4Test {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 0, true))
		} else {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 0, false))
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 0, true))
	case InnerJoin:
// 内连接,先拿右表当内表搞一个 plan ,再拿左表当内表搞一个 plan
		if ForcedHashLeftJoin4Test {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, false))
		} else {
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 1, false))
			joins = append(joins, p.getHashJoin(prop, 0, false))
	return joins

func (p *LogicalJoin) getHashJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, innerIdx int, useOuterToBuild bool) *PhysicalHashJoin {
	chReqProps := make([]*property.PhysicalProperty, 2)
	chReqProps[innerIdx] = &property.PhysicalProperty{ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64}
	chReqProps[1-innerIdx] = &property.PhysicalProperty{ExpectedCnt: math.MaxFloat64}
// ???
	if prop.ExpectedCnt < p.stats.RowCount {
		expCntScale := prop.ExpectedCnt / p.stats.RowCount
		chReqProps[1-innerIdx].ExpectedCnt = p.children[1-innerIdx].statsInfo().RowCount * expCntScale
	hashJoin := NewPhysicalHashJoin(p, innerIdx, useOuterToBuild, p.stats.ScaleByExpectCnt(prop.ExpectedCnt), chReqProps...)
	return hashJoin

// NewPhysicalHashJoin creates a new PhysicalHashJoin from LogicalJoin.
func NewPhysicalHashJoin(p *LogicalJoin, innerIdx int, useOuterToBuild bool, newStats *property.StatsInfo, prop ...*property.PhysicalProperty) *PhysicalHashJoin {
	leftJoinKeys, rightJoinKeys, isNullEQ, _ := p.GetJoinKeys()
	baseJoin := basePhysicalJoin{
		LeftConditions:  p.LeftConditions,
		RightConditions: p.RightConditions,
		OtherConditions: p.OtherConditions,
		LeftJoinKeys:    leftJoinKeys,
		RightJoinKeys:   rightJoinKeys,
		IsNullEQ:        isNullEQ,
		JoinType:        p.JoinType,
		DefaultValues:   p.DefaultValues,
		InnerChildIdx:   innerIdx,
	hashJoin := PhysicalHashJoin{
		basePhysicalJoin: baseJoin,
		EqualConditions:  p.EqualConditions,
		Concurrency:      uint(p.ctx.GetSessionVars().HashJoinConcurrency()),
		UseOuterToBuild:  useOuterToBuild,
	}.Init(p.ctx, newStats, p.blockOffset, prop...)
	return hashJoin
// tryToGetIndexJoin will get index join by hints. If we can generate a valid index join by hint, the second return value
// will be true, which means we force to choose this index join. Otherwise we will select a join algorithm with min-cost.
func (p *LogicalJoin) tryToGetIndexJoin(prop *property.PhysicalProperty) (indexJoins []PhysicalPlan, canForced bool) {
// 提示优化器对指定表使用 Index Nested Loop Join 算法
// https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/dev/optimizer-hints#inl_joint1_name--tl_name-
	inljRightOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferLeftAsINLJInner) > 0
	inljLeftOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferRightAsINLJInner) > 0
	hasINLJHint := inljLeftOuter || inljRightOuter

// 提示优化器使用 Index Nested Loop Hash Join 算法
// https://docs.pingcap.com/zh/tidb/dev/optimizer-hints#inl_hash_join
	inlhjRightOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferLeftAsINLHJInner) > 0
	inlhjLeftOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferRightAsINLHJInner) > 0
	hasINLHJHint := inlhjLeftOuter || inlhjRightOuter

// 提示优化器使用 Index Nested Loop Merge Join 算法
	inlmjRightOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferLeftAsINLMJInner) > 0
	inlmjLeftOuter := (p.preferJoinType & preferRightAsINLMJInner) > 0
	hasINLMJHint := inlmjLeftOuter || inlmjRightOuter

	forceLeftOuter := inljLeftOuter || inlhjLeftOuter || inlmjLeftOuter
	forceRightOuter := inljRightOuter || inlhjRightOuter || inlmjRightOuter
	needForced := forceLeftOuter || forceRightOuter

	defer func() {
		// refine error message
		// If the required property is not empty, we will enforce it and try the hint again.
		// So we only need to generate warning message when the property is empty.
		if !canForced && needForced && prop.IsEmpty() {
			// Construct warning message prefix.
			var errMsg string
			switch {
			case hasINLJHint:
				errMsg = "Optimizer Hint INL_JOIN or TIDB_INLJ is inapplicable"
			case hasINLHJHint:
				errMsg = "Optimizer Hint INL_HASH_JOIN is inapplicable"
			case hasINLMJHint:
				errMsg = "Optimizer Hint INL_MERGE_JOIN is inapplicable"
			if p.hintInfo != nil {
				t := p.hintInfo.indexNestedLoopJoinTables
				switch {
				case len(t.inljTables) != 0:
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Optimizer Hint %s or %s is inapplicable",
						restore2JoinHint(HintINLJ, t.inljTables), restore2JoinHint(TiDBIndexNestedLoopJoin, t.inljTables))
				case len(t.inlhjTables) != 0:
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Optimizer Hint %s is inapplicable", restore2JoinHint(HintINLHJ, t.inlhjTables))
				case len(t.inlmjTables) != 0:
					errMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Optimizer Hint %s is inapplicable", restore2JoinHint(HintINLMJ, t.inlmjTables))

			// Append inapplicable reason.
			if len(p.EqualConditions) == 0 {
				errMsg += " without column equal ON condition"

			// Generate warning message to client.
			warning := ErrInternal.GenWithStack(errMsg)

	// supportLeftOuter and supportRightOuter indicates whether this type of join
	// supports the left side or right side to be the outer side.
	var supportLeftOuter, supportRightOuter bool
	switch p.JoinType {
	case SemiJoin, AntiSemiJoin, LeftOuterSemiJoin, AntiLeftOuterSemiJoin, LeftOuterJoin:
// 如果是半连接或左连接,那么可以允许左表当外表
		supportLeftOuter = true
	case RightOuterJoin:
// 如果是右连接,那么可以允许右表当外表
		supportRightOuter = true
	case InnerJoin:
// 如果是内连接,那么可以允许右表或左表当外表
		supportLeftOuter, supportRightOuter = true, true

	var allLeftOuterJoins, allRightOuterJoins, forcedLeftOuterJoins, forcedRightOuterJoins []PhysicalPlan
	if supportLeftOuter {
// 可以让左表当外表,获取所有以左表作为外表的
// PhysicalIndexJoin 或 PhysicalIndexHashJoin 或 PhysicalIndexMergeJoin
		allLeftOuterJoins = p.getIndexJoinByOuterIdx(prop, 0)
		forcedLeftOuterJoins = make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(allLeftOuterJoins))
		for _, j := range allLeftOuterJoins {
			switch j.(type) {
			case *PhysicalIndexJoin:
				if inljLeftOuter {
					forcedLeftOuterJoins = append(forcedLeftOuterJoins, j)
			case *PhysicalIndexHashJoin:
				if inlhjLeftOuter {
					forcedLeftOuterJoins = append(forcedLeftOuterJoins, j)
			case *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin:
				if inlmjLeftOuter {
					forcedLeftOuterJoins = append(forcedLeftOuterJoins, j)
		switch {
		case len(forcedLeftOuterJoins) == 0 && !supportRightOuter:
			return filterIndexJoinBySessionVars(p.ctx, allLeftOuterJoins), false
		case len(forcedLeftOuterJoins) != 0 && (!supportRightOuter || (forceLeftOuter && !forceRightOuter)):
			return forcedLeftOuterJoins, true
	if supportRightOuter {
		allRightOuterJoins = p.getIndexJoinByOuterIdx(prop, 1)
		forcedRightOuterJoins = make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, len(allRightOuterJoins))
		for _, j := range allRightOuterJoins {
			switch j.(type) {
			case *PhysicalIndexJoin:
				if inljRightOuter {
					forcedRightOuterJoins = append(forcedRightOuterJoins, j)
			case *PhysicalIndexHashJoin:
				if inlhjRightOuter {
					forcedRightOuterJoins = append(forcedRightOuterJoins, j)
			case *PhysicalIndexMergeJoin:
				if inlmjRightOuter {
					forcedRightOuterJoins = append(forcedRightOuterJoins, j)
		switch {
		case len(forcedRightOuterJoins) == 0 && !supportLeftOuter:
			return filterIndexJoinBySessionVars(p.ctx, allRightOuterJoins), false
		case len(forcedRightOuterJoins) != 0 && (!supportLeftOuter || (forceRightOuter && !forceLeftOuter)):
			return forcedRightOuterJoins, true

	canForceLeft := len(forcedLeftOuterJoins) != 0 && forceLeftOuter
	canForceRight := len(forcedRightOuterJoins) != 0 && forceRightOuter
	canForced = canForceLeft || canForceRight
	if canForced {
		return append(forcedLeftOuterJoins, forcedRightOuterJoins...), true
	return filterIndexJoinBySessionVars(p.ctx, append(allLeftOuterJoins, allRightOuterJoins...)), false

// getIndexJoinByOuterIdx will generate index join by outerIndex. OuterIdx points out the outer child.
// First of all, we'll check whether the inner child is DataSource.
// Then, we will extract the join keys of p's equal conditions. Then check whether all of them are just the primary key
// or match some part of on index. If so we will choose the best one and construct a index join.
func (p *LogicalJoin) getIndexJoinByOuterIdx(prop *property.PhysicalProperty, outerIdx int) (joins []PhysicalPlan) {
	outerChild, innerChild := p.children[outerIdx], p.children[1-outerIdx]
	all, _ := prop.AllSameOrder()
	// If the order by columns are not all from outer child, index join cannot promise the order.
// INJ 的输出顺序就是按 outerChild 有序输,
// 如果 prop 中的 cols 有的不包含在 outerChild.Schema(),或 prop 中的列不是全部有序,
// 那么 INJ 将无法保证 prop
	if !prop.AllColsFromSchema(outerChild.Schema()) || !all {
		return nil
	var (
		innerJoinKeys []*expression.Column
		outerJoinKeys []*expression.Column
	if outerIdx == 0 {
		outerJoinKeys, innerJoinKeys, _, _ = p.GetJoinKeys()
	} else {
		innerJoinKeys, outerJoinKeys, _, _ = p.GetJoinKeys()
// innerChild 需要直接是一个 DataSource 或者 UnionScan
	ds, isDataSource := innerChild.(*DataSource)
	us, isUnionScan := innerChild.(*LogicalUnionScan)
	if (!isDataSource && !isUnionScan) || (isDataSource && ds.preferStoreType&preferTiFlash != 0) {
		return nil
	if isUnionScan {
// 如果 innerChild 是 UnionScan,那么取它的 child 作为 ds
		// The child of union scan may be union all for partition table.
		ds, isDataSource = us.Children()[0].(*DataSource)
		if !isDataSource {
			return nil
		// If one of the union scan children is a TiFlash table, then we can't choose index join.
		for _, child := range us.Children() {
			if ds, ok := child.(*DataSource); ok && ds.preferStoreType&preferTiFlash != 0 {
				return nil
// ???
	var avgInnerRowCnt float64
	if outerChild.statsInfo().RowCount > 0 {
		avgInnerRowCnt = p.equalCondOutCnt / outerChild.statsInfo().RowCount
	joins = p.buildIndexJoinInner2TableScan(prop, ds, innerJoinKeys, outerJoinKeys, outerIdx, us, avgInnerRowCnt)
	if joins != nil {
	return p.buildIndexJoinInner2IndexScan(prop, ds, innerJoinKeys, outerJoinKeys, outerIdx, us, avgInnerRowCnt)

// buildIndexJoinInner2TableScan builds a TableScan as the inner child for an
// IndexJoin if possible.
// If the inner side of a index join is a TableScan, only one tuple will be
// fetched from the inner side for every tuple from the outer side. This will be
// promised to be no worse than building IndexScan as the inner child.
func (p *LogicalJoin) buildIndexJoinInner2TableScan(
	prop *property.PhysicalProperty, ds *DataSource, innerJoinKeys, outerJoinKeys []*expression.Column,
	outerIdx int, us *LogicalUnionScan, avgInnerRowCnt float64) (joins []PhysicalPlan) {
	var tblPath *util.AccessPath
// 要把 innner child build 成 TableScan,所以要先找出 TablePath
// IsTablePath returns true if it's IntHandlePath or CommonHandlePath.
	for _, path := range ds.possibleAccessPaths {
		if path.IsTablePath() && path.StoreType == kv.TiKV {
			tblPath = path
	if tblPath == nil {
		return nil
	keyOff2IdxOff := make([]int, len(innerJoinKeys))
	newOuterJoinKeys := make([]*expression.Column, 0)
	var ranges []*ranger.Range
	var innerTask, innerTask2 task
	var helper *indexJoinBuildHelper
	if ds.tableInfo.IsCommonHandle {
		helper, keyOff2IdxOff = p.getIndexJoinBuildHelper(ds, innerJoinKeys, func(path *util.AccessPath) bool { return path.IsCommonHandlePath }, outerJoinKeys)
		if helper == nil {
			return nil
		innerTask = p.constructInnerTableScanTask(ds, nil, outerJoinKeys, us, false, false, avgInnerRowCnt)
		// The index merge join's inner plan is different from index join, so we
		// should construct another inner plan for it.
		// Because we can't keep order for union scan, if there is a union scan in inner task,
		// we can't construct index merge join.
		if us == nil {
			innerTask2 = p.constructInnerTableScanTask(ds, nil, outerJoinKeys, us, true, !prop.IsEmpty() && prop.SortItems[0].Desc, avgInnerRowCnt)
		ranges = helper.chosenRanges
	} else {
// InnerTable 主键就是一个 int 列
		pkMatched := false
		pkCol := ds.getPKIsHandleCol()
		if pkCol == nil {
			return nil
		for i, key := range innerJoinKeys {
// 遍历 innerJoinKeys,找到是主键的那一个 key
			if !key.Equal(nil, pkCol) {
				keyOff2IdxOff[i] = -1
			pkMatched = true
			keyOff2IdxOff[i] = 0
// ???
			// Add to newOuterJoinKeys only if conditions contain inner primary key. For issue #14822.
			newOuterJoinKeys = append(newOuterJoinKeys, outerJoinKeys[i])
// ???
		outerJoinKeys = newOuterJoinKeys
		if !pkMatched {
			return nil
// innerTask 是一个不需要 KeepOrder,的 innerTable 的 TableScan
		innerTask = p.constructInnerTableScanTask(ds, pkCol, outerJoinKeys, us, false, false, avgInnerRowCnt)
		// The index merge join's inner plan is different from index join, so we
		// should construct another inner plan for it.
		// Because we can't keep order for union scan, if there is a union scan in inner task,
		// we can't construct index merge join.
		if us == nil {
// 为了满足 index merge join,
// innerTask2 是一个需要 KeepOrder,的 innerTable 的 TableScan
// ??? 但是如果 innerTable 主键就是一个 int 列,而 innerJoinKeys 有多列,
// 就只能保证主键有序,保证不了 innerJoinKeys 有序啊
			innerTask2 = p.constructInnerTableScanTask(ds, pkCol, outerJoinKeys, us, true, !prop.IsEmpty() && prop.SortItems[0].Desc, avgInnerRowCnt)
	var (
		path       *util.AccessPath
		lastColMng *ColWithCmpFuncManager
	if helper != nil {
		path = helper.chosenPath
		lastColMng = helper.lastColManager
	joins = make([]PhysicalPlan, 0, 3)
	failpoint.Inject("MockOnlyEnableIndexHashJoin", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if val.(bool) {
			failpoint.Return(p.constructIndexHashJoin(prop, outerIdx, innerTask, nil, keyOff2IdxOff, path, lastColMng))
	joins = append(joins, p.constructIndexJoin(prop, outerIdx, innerTask, ranges, keyOff2IdxOff, path, lastColMng, true)...)
	// We can reuse the `innerTask` here since index nested loop hash join
	// do not need the inner child to promise the order.
	joins = append(joins, p.constructIndexHashJoin(prop, outerIdx, innerTask, ranges, keyOff2IdxOff, path, lastColMng)...)
	if innerTask2 != nil {
		joins = append(joins, p.constructIndexMergeJoin(prop, outerIdx, innerTask2, ranges, keyOff2IdxOff, path, lastColMng)...)
	return joins

遍历 physicalPlans,为每一个 pp(当作头节点) 制作一个完整的执行计划(遍历 p.children,为每一个 child 调用 child.findBestTask(pp.GetChildReqProps(j), …),找到 child 的 best task 作为 pp 的 child),最后选出一个最优的,完整的执行计划。并返回 physicalPlans 中每个 pp 所可以产生的完整的执行计划数量总和

func (p *baseLogicalPlan) enumeratePhysicalPlans4Task(physicalPlans []PhysicalPlan, prop *property.PhysicalProperty, addEnforcer bool, planCounter *PlanCounterTp) (task, int64, error) {
	var bestTask task = invalidTask
// curCntPlan 是对于 physicalPlans 中每一个 pp 所可以产生的 plan 数量
// cntPlan 是 physicalPlans 中所有 pp 所可以产生的 plan 数量总和
	var curCntPlan, cntPlan int64
// childTasks 是对于 physicalPlans 中每一个 pp 的每个 child 各自的 bestTask
	childTasks := make([]task, 0, len(p.children))
// childCnts 是对于 physicalPlans 中每一个 pp 的每个 child 各自可以找到多少种 task
	childCnts := make([]int64, len(p.children))
	cntPlan = 0
	for _, pp := range physicalPlans {
		// Find best child tasks firstly.
		childTasks = childTasks[:0]
		// The curCntPlan records the number of possible plans for pp
		curCntPlan = 1
// ???
		TimeStampNow := p.GetLogicalTS4TaskMap()
		savedPlanID := p.ctx.GetSessionVars().PlanID
		for j, child := range p.children {
// GetChildReqProps gets the required property by child index.
// 因为 planCounter 只用在最顶层 node 计数,
// 所以孩子 findBestTask 的时候传 PlanCounterDisabled(-1)
			childTask, cnt, err := child.findBestTask(pp.GetChildReqProps(j), &PlanCounterDisabled)
			childCnts[j] = cnt
			if err != nil {
				return nil, 0, err
// pp 的每个 child 可以找到 cnt 个 plan,那么相当于以 pp 为根,可以找到 cnt * cnt ... 个 plan 
			curCntPlan = curCntPlan * cnt
			if childTask != nil && childTask.invalid() {
			childTasks = append(childTasks, childTask)

		// This check makes sure that there is no invalid child task.
		if len(childTasks) != len(p.children) {

// 如果启用了 planCounter,而且要找的第 planCounter 个 plan 就在这个 pp 中出现
		// If the target plan can be found in this physicalPlan(pp), rebuild childTasks to build the corresponding combination.
		if planCounter.IsForce() && int64(*planCounter) <= curCntPlan {
			p.ctx.GetSessionVars().PlanID = savedPlanID
			curCntPlan = int64(*planCounter)
// ???
			err := p.rebuildChildTasks(&childTasks, pp, childCnts, int64(*planCounter), TimeStampNow)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, 0, err

		// Combine best child tasks with parent physical plan.
		// attach2Task makes the current physical plan as the father of task's physicalPlan and updates the cost of
		// current task. If the child's task is cop task, some operator may close this task and return a new rootTask.
		curTask := pp.attach2Task(childTasks...)

		if curTask.invalid() {

// ???
		// An optimal task could not satisfy the property, so it should be converted here.
		if _, ok := curTask.(*rootTask); !ok && prop.TaskTp == property.RootTaskType {
			curTask = curTask.convertToRootTask(p.ctx)

// 在最顶上加一个 PhysicalSort
		// Enforce curTask property
		if addEnforcer {
			curTask = enforceProperty(prop, curTask, p.basePlan.ctx)

// ???
		// Optimize by shuffle executor to running in parallel manner.
		if prop.IsEmpty() {
			// Currently, we do not regard shuffled plan as a new plan.
			curTask = optimizeByShuffle(curTask, p.basePlan.ctx)

		cntPlan += curCntPlan

		if planCounter.Empty() {
			bestTask = curTask
		// Get the most efficient one.
		if curTask.cost() < bestTask.cost() || (bestTask.invalid() && !curTask.invalid()) {
			bestTask = curTask
	return bestTask, cntPlan, nil

将 PhysicalPlan 变成 task,并且把 childs 的 tasks 接在自己身上

type PhysicalPlan interface {

	// attach2Task makes the current physical plan as the father of task's physicalPlan and updates the cost of
	// current task. If the child's task is cop task, some operator may close this task and return a new rootTask.
	attach2Task(...task) task
