muduo Poller 和 Channel


class PollerIO multiplexing(多路复用)的封装,是一个纯虚类。 一个 Poller 只属于一个 class EventLoop,每一个线程最多只能有一个 class EventLoop

/// Base class for IO Multiplexing
/// This class doesn't own the Channel objects.
class Poller : noncopyable
  typedef std::vector<Channel*> ChannelList;

  Poller::Poller(EventLoop* loop)
  : ownerLoop_(loop){}
  virtual ~Poller();

  /// Polls the I/O events.
  /// Must be called in the loop thread.
  virtual Timestamp poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels) = 0;

  /// Changes the interested I/O events.
  /// Must be called in the loop thread.
  virtual void updateChannel(Channel* channel) = 0;

  /// Remove the channel, when it destructs.
  /// Must be called in the loop thread.
  virtual void removeChannel(Channel* channel) = 0;

  virtual bool hasChannel(Channel* channel) const;

  static Poller* newDefaultPoller(EventLoop* loop);

  void assertInLoopThread() const

  typedef std::map<int, Channel*> ChannelMap;
  ChannelMap channels_;

  EventLoop* ownerLoop_;

ChannelMap channels_ 记录了该 Poller 所监控的所有 fd(文件描述符)到每个 fd 所对应的 class Channel (Channel 保存了此 fd,并记录了业务对此 fd 所关心的事件)之间的映射

Poller 的作用是:

  1. 记录监控了哪些 fd,和每个 fd 所对应的 Channel(由updateChannelremoveChannel设置)
  2. 调用 poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels),找的被监控的所有 fd 中其所关心的事件发生了的 fd 所对应的 Channel,将发生了的事件通过调用 Channel::set_revents 记录在该 Channel 中,并返回这些 Channel

poll updateChannel removeChannel hasChannel,这四个接口都不是线程安全的,分别只会被 EventLoop::loopEventLoop::updateChannelEventLoop::hasChannelEventLoop::removeChannel 调用。

EventLoop::loop EventLoop::updateChannel EventLoop::hasChannel EventLoop::removeChannel 也不是线程安全的,只能在 EventLoop对象所属的线程调用。这样就保证了被调用的时候,该线程是没有卡在 ::poll::epoll 上的,就可以安全的修改 ChannelMap channels_PollFdList pollfds_PollPoller)或调用 ::epoll_ctl对 epollfd_(EPollPoller)进行修改

muduo中同时支持poll和epoll两种多路复用机制,分别由class PollPollerclass EPollPoller 实现

static Poller* Poller::newDefaultPoller(EventLoop* loop)
  if (::getenv("MUDUO_USE_POLL"))
    return new PollPoller(loop);
    return new EPollPoller(loop);
/// IO Multiplexing with poll(2).
class PollPoller : public Poller

  PollPoller::PollPoller(EventLoop* loop)
  : Poller(loop){}
  ~PollPoller() override;

  Timestamp poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels) override;
  void updateChannel(Channel* channel) override;
  void removeChannel(Channel* channel) override;

  void fillActiveChannels(int numEvents,
                          ChannelList* activeChannels) const;

  typedef std::vector<struct pollfd> PollFdList;
  PollFdList pollfds_;

/* Data structure describing a polling request.  */
struct pollfd
  int fd;			/* File descriptor to poll.  */
  short int events;		/* Types of events poller cares about.  */
  short int revents;		/* Types of events that actually occurred.  */

PollFdList pollfds_ 记录了 PollPoller 需要监控的所有 fd

void PollPoller::updateChannel(Channel* channel)
  LOG_TRACE << "fd = " << channel->fd() << " events = " << channel->events();
  if (channel->index() < 0)
    // a new one, add to pollfds_
    assert(channels_.find(channel->fd()) == channels_.end());
    struct pollfd pfd;
    pfd.fd = channel->fd(); = static_cast<short>(channel->events());
    pfd.revents = 0;
    int idx = static_cast<int>(pollfds_.size())-1;
    channels_[pfd.fd] = channel;
    // update existing one
    assert(channels_.find(channel->fd()) != channels_.end());
    assert(channels_[channel->fd()] == channel);
    int idx = channel->index();
    assert(0 <= idx && idx < static_cast<int>(pollfds_.size()));
    struct pollfd& pfd = pollfds_[idx];
    assert(pfd.fd == channel->fd() || pfd.fd == -channel->fd()-1);
    pfd.fd = channel->fd(); = static_cast<short>(channel->events());
    pfd.revents = 0;
    if (channel->isNoneEvent())
      // ignore this pollfd
      pfd.fd = -channel->fd()-1;
  1. 新增一个 Channel (不会不关心任何事件): 新建一个并初始化一个 struct pollfd,加入到 PollFdList pollfds_ 中 设置 Channel 的 index 为其在 PollFdList pollfds_ 的 offset 便于更新的时候查找 更新 ChannelMap channels_,新添加一个映射 channels_[pfd.fd] = channel
  2. 更新一个 Channel(更新对 fd 所关心事件): 根据 Channel 的 index 从 PollFdList pollfds_ 找到其对应的 struct pollfd 更新 如果不关心任何事件,则把 pfd.fd 设置成负数
Timestamp PollPoller::poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels)
  // XXX pollfds_ shouldn't change
  int numEvents = ::poll(&*pollfds_.begin(), pollfds_.size(), timeoutMs);
  Timestamp now(Timestamp::now());
  if (numEvents > 0)
    LOG_TRACE << numEvents << " events happened";
    fillActiveChannels(numEvents, activeChannels);
  else if (numEvents == 0)
    LOG_TRACE << " nothing happened";
    // error
  return now;

void PollPoller::fillActiveChannels(int numEvents,
                                    ChannelList* activeChannels) const
  for (PollFdList::const_iterator pfd = pollfds_.begin();
      pfd != pollfds_.end() && numEvents > 0; ++pfd)
    if (pfd->revents > 0)
      ChannelMap::const_iterator ch = channels_.find(pfd->fd);
      assert(ch != channels_.end());
      Channel* channel = ch->second;
      assert(channel->fd() == pfd->fd);
      // pfd->revents = 0;

调用 ::poll::poll 返回后立刻记录下时间

  1. 如果 numEvents > 0则调用 fillActiveChannels遍历 PollFdList pollfds_ 找到所有的 pfd->revents > 0struct pollfd,然后再找到其对应的 Channel,然后 channel->set_revents(pfd->revents),最后将其加入 ChannelList* activeChannels
  2. 如果 numEvents == 0说明 ::poll 的 timeoutMs 超时

返回::poll 返回后记录下的时间

class EPollPoller : public Poller
  EPollPoller(EventLoop* loop);
  ~EPollPoller() override;

  Timestamp poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels) override;
  void updateChannel(Channel* channel) override;
  void removeChannel(Channel* channel) override;

  static const int kInitEventListSize = 16;

  void fillActiveChannels(int numEvents,
                          ChannelList* activeChannels) const;
  void update(int operation, Channel* channel);

  typedef std::vector<struct epoll_event> EventList;

  int epollfd_;
  EventList events_;

EPollPoller::EPollPoller(EventLoop* loop)
  : Poller(loop),


EventList events_ 不是保存的所有关注的 fd 列表,而是保存的每一次 epoll_wait 调用返回的活动 fd 列表,初始大小为 kInitEventListSize = 16,每一次 epoll_wait 都会复用 EventList events_

void EPollPoller::updateChannel(Channel* channel)
  const int index = channel->index();
  if (index == kNew || index == kDeleted)
    // a new one, add with EPOLL_CTL_ADD
    int fd = channel->fd();
    if (index == kNew)
      channels_[fd] = channel;
    update(EPOLL_CTL_ADD, channel);
    // update existing one with EPOLL_CTL_MOD/DEL
    int fd = channel->fd();
    if (channel->isNoneEvent())
      update(EPOLL_CTL_DEL, channel);
      update(EPOLL_CTL_MOD, channel);
  1. 新增一个 Channel (不会不关心任何事件) channel->index() == kNew : 更新 ChannelMap channels_,新添加一个映射 channels_[fd] = channel 设置 Channel 的 index 为 kNew update(EPOLL_CTL_ADD, channel)
  2. 更新一个 Channel(更新对 fd 所关心事件): 不关心任何事 -> 关心某些事: channel->set_index(kAdded); update(EPOLL_CTL_ADD, channel); 关心某些事 -> 不关心任何事: channel->set_index(kDeleted); update(EPOLL_CTL_DEL, channel); 关心某些事 -> 关心某些事: update(EPOLL_CTL_MOD, channel)
void EPollPoller::update(int operation, Channel* channel)
  struct epoll_event event;
  memZero(&event, sizeof event); = channel->events(); = channel;
  int fd = channel->fd();
  if (::epoll_ctl(epollfd_, operation, fd, &event) < 0)
    // error

typedef union epoll_data
  void *ptr;
  int fd;
  uint32_t u32;
  uint64_t u64;
} epoll_data_t;

struct epoll_event
  uint32_t events;	/* Epoll events */
  epoll_data_t data;	/* User data variable */

epoll_data 是个 union ,muduo 使用的是 void *ptr,用于存放 Channel *,这样可以减少一步lookup

Timestamp EPollPoller::poll(int timeoutMs, ChannelList* activeChannels)
  int numEvents = ::epoll_wait(epollfd_,
  Timestamp now(Timestamp::now());
  if (numEvents > 0)
    fillActiveChannels(numEvents, activeChannels);
    if (implicit_cast<size_t>(numEvents) == events_.size())
  else if (numEvents == 0)
    LOG_TRACE << "nothing happened";
    // error 
  return now;

void EPollPoller::fillActiveChannels(int numEvents,
                                     ChannelList* activeChannels) const
  assert(implicit_cast<size_t>(numEvents) <= events_.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i)
    Channel* channel = static_cast<Channel*>(events_[i].data.ptr);

调用 ::epoll_wait::epoll_wait 返回后立刻记录下时间

  1. 如果 numEvents > 0则调用 fillActiveChannelsEventList events_ 中已经存在了 numEvents 个活动 fd 各自所对应的 struct epoll_eventepoll_dataptr存放了 Channel *,然后 channel->set_revents(events_[i].events),最后将其加入 ChannelList* activeChannels 如果 numEvents == events_.size(),说明 events_的大小可能不够,对它进行两倍扩容
  2. 如果 numEvents == 0说明 ::epoll_wait 的 timeoutMs 超时

返回::epoll_wait 返回后记录下的时间


每个 Channel 对象自始至终只属于一个 EventLoop,因此每一个 Channel 对象只属于某一个IO线程。每个 Channel 对象自始至终只负责一个 fd 的 IO事件分发,但它并不拥有这个 fd(class Socket 拥有此 fd),也不需要在析构的时候关闭 fd。Channel 会把不同的IO事件分发为不同的回调函数(readCallback_writeCallback_closeCallback_errorCallback_)。Channel 的生命周期由其 owner class负责管理,它一般是其他 class 的直接或间接成员 例如 Acceptor 中的 Channel acceptChannel_ 成员,TcpConnection 中的 Channel channel_ 成员

/// A selectable I/O channel.
/// This class doesn't own the file descriptor.
/// The file descriptor could be a socket,
/// an eventfd, a timerfd, or a signalfd
class Channel : noncopyable
  typedef std::function<void()> EventCallback;
  typedef std::function<void(Timestamp)> ReadEventCallback;

  Channel(EventLoop* loop, int fd);

  void handleEvent(Timestamp receiveTime);
  void setReadCallback(ReadEventCallback cb)
  { readCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
  void setWriteCallback(EventCallback cb)
  { writeCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
  void setCloseCallback(EventCallback cb)
  { closeCallback_ = std::move(cb); }
  void setErrorCallback(EventCallback cb)
  { errorCallback_ = std::move(cb); }

  /// Tie this channel to the owner object managed by shared_ptr,
  /// prevent the owner object being destroyed in handleEvent.
  void tie(const std::shared_ptr<void>& obj)
	  tie_ = obj;
	  tied_ = true;

  int fd() const { return fd_; }
  int events() const { return events_; }
  void set_revents(int revt) { revents_ = revt; } // used by pollers
  bool isNoneEvent() const { return events_ == kNoneEvent; }

  void enableReading() { events_ |= kReadEvent; update(); }
  void disableReading() { events_ &= ~kReadEvent; update(); }
  void enableWriting() { events_ |= kWriteEvent; update(); }
  void disableWriting() { events_ &= ~kWriteEvent; update(); }
  void disableAll() { events_ = kNoneEvent; update(); }
  bool isWriting() const { return events_ & kWriteEvent; }
  bool isReading() const { return events_ & kReadEvent; }

  // for Poller
  int index() { return index_; }
  void set_index(int idx) { index_ = idx; }

  EventLoop* ownerLoop() { return loop_; }
  void remove() {
    addedToLoop_ = false;


  void update() {
    addedToLoop_ = true;
  void handleEventWithGuard(Timestamp receiveTime);

  static const int kNoneEvent = 0;
  static const int kReadEvent = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
  static const int kWriteEvent = POLLOUT;

  EventLoop* loop_;
  const int  fd_;
  int        events_; // 用户关心的IO事件
  int        revents_; // 目前活动的事件,由Poller设置。it's the received event types of epoll or poll
  int        index_; // used by Poller.

  std::weak_ptr<void> tie_; // 用于绑定这个 channel 对象所属的对象
  bool tied_; // 是否绑定了这个 channel 对象所属的对象
  bool eventHandling_; // 是否正在执行用户指定的事件的回调函数
  bool addedToLoop_;
  ReadEventCallback readCallback_;
  EventCallback writeCallback_;
  EventCallback closeCallback_;
  EventCallback errorCallback_;

Channel 的作用是:

  1. 记录 fd,关心的 fd 事件(可读,可写,关闭,出错), fd 事件分别的回调函数
  2. 设置开始关心某些事件,设置停止关心某些事件
  3. 根据已经发生的事件,分别调用事件的回调函数

Channel 的函数成员都只能其所属的EventLoop所属的线程被调用,因此更新数据成员都不必加锁

Channel::update -> EventLoop::updateChannel -> EPollPoller::updateChannel 或者 PollPoller::updateChannel 见上面

class Channel : noncopyable

  void enableReading() { events_ |= kReadEvent; update(); }
  void disableReading() { events_ &= ~kReadEvent; update(); }
  void enableWriting() { events_ |= kWriteEvent; update(); }
  void disableWriting() { events_ &= ~kWriteEvent; update(); }
  void disableAll() { events_ = kNoneEvent; update(); }
  bool isWriting() const { return events_ & kWriteEvent; }
  bool isReading() const { return events_ & kReadEvent; }


void Channel::update()
  addedToLoop_ = true;

void EventLoop::updateChannel(Channel* channel)
  assert(channel->ownerLoop() == this);

Channel::handleEvent()Channel 的核心,它由 EventLoop::loop()调用, 它的核心功能是根据 revent_的值分别调用不同的用户回调

void Channel::handleEvent(Timestamp receiveTime)
  std::shared_ptr<void> guard;
  if (tied_) // 绑定了其所属的对象
    guard = tie_.lock(); 
    if (guard) // 其对象没有被析构

void Channel::handleEventWithGuard(Timestamp receiveTime)
  eventHandling_ = true;
  if ((revents_ & POLLHUP) && !(revents_ & POLLIN))
    if (closeCallback_) closeCallback_();
  if (revents_ & POLLNVAL)
    LOG_WARN << "fd = " << fd_ << " Channel::handle_event() POLLNVAL";
  if (revents_ & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL))
    if (errorCallback_) errorCallback_();
  if (revents_ & (POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLRDHUP))
    if (readCallback_) readCallback_(receiveTime);
  if (revents_ & POLLOUT)
    if (writeCallback_) writeCallback_();
  eventHandling_ = false;